Wednesday, September 20, 2006

On second thought...

After thinking about the post about the floor idea and re-reading sections from Details and How to Build a Wooden Boat, I came to some conclusions.

I was reading thoughts and design philosophies, it seems that the proposed idea for the bronze floor may not have the proper stregnth against the lever arm between the bolt in the keel and the turn up the frame to resist bending and creating garboard leaks. Also, I can see the floors allowing the deep bildge to narrow from the two arms sissoring together.

These things would be eliminated with a design like this:

Much more like Larry Pardey's. But with this design, it doesn't look like the advantages of self and simple fabrication are still inherent. The extra gusseting makes it a complex 2D shape with lots of dimension and would require welding of the joints once its cut and bent. It does however retain the ability to fasten through the frames and garboards and hopefully hold better for a laminated frame. But the big loss is the DIY-ness to the floor. So... call it a draw.


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